Friday, 27 June 2014

BBC Radio 4 Short Stories for Radio

The Time Being BBC Radio 4 has commissioned independent radio production company Sweet Talk to produce three short stories by new voices. This is the eighth season of The Time Being.
Deadline Submission: July 18th 2014.
They're looking for writers who are unbroadcast (and largely unpublished: i.e. having a story in a magazine or anthology here and there is OK, but a track record of novels and story collections in print is not!)
Please don't submit stories that have been previously 'performed' whether this is at readings or events which have been recorded and put on YouTube for example. Ideally, stories will not have previously appeared in print or online.
Broadcast stories will be read by a single voice. Your story needs to be 2,000-2,200 words in length. Max of two stories per person.
Please put your full contact details (name, post and email address, phone number) including any alternative contact details for vacations and a word count on the title page of each story. Email stories to Jeremy Osborne

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